Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Can We Finally Stop Talking About the Olympics?

I'm really getting sick of this. It's a political event more than anything else and there was far too much coverage. Five-plus channels were covering these events, most of which were quite boring. I ask you: Did any of you mark your calendars for the Laser Radial sailing competition? Didn't think so, yet events of that sort got primetime slots.

I'm tired of all the controversy and intense media scrutiny surrounding the events. Hopefully by the end of the week, we can get it all out of the news.

Despite my opposition to these games, I leave you with my top 10 moments of the Olympics:

10. Usain Bolt dazzled the world with his prowess on the track.

9. The Redeem Team won the gold, so now people can finally move on.

8. Michael Phelps won 8 gold medals. Impressive, but predictable.

7. A blogger exposed the fact that He Kexin, a Chinese gymnast, was in fact underage.

6. U.S. Men's Beach Volleyball player Sean Rosenthal introduced to the world some very cool sunglasses.

5. Bob Costas did excellent coverage of the games.

4. That in America, a guy by the name of Terry Tiffee can be on the Olympic baseball team.

3. That Iraq didn't win a single medal.

2. Taekwondo athlete Ángel Matos did something the inner athlete in us all wanted to do by kicking the referee after being disqualified.

1. President Bush got the most action he's had in years [see above photo].

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